OK. So, here I am. I'm glad you found me. Come on in, kick your shoes off, and sit for a spell.
I'm supposing I now have to entertain you in some sort of fashion, and, while that is indeed my goal, I'm finding myself at a bit of a loss for words. Any of you out there who know me probably find this to be hardly believable, if not downright shocking. But, it does happen from time to time.
Fortunately, this rare occurrence of having nothing to say happens to coincide with my first entry, so I'll just use this opportunity to give you an overview of what you can expect going forward.
As I say in my profile, I'm just an average white guy cruising through an existence that would be pretty mundane. I say "would be" because it all gets a tad complicated by the fact that I work at night. This statement of fact normally would be followed by something like, "and I sleep during the day." At least this is what one would think. However, people seem to think that my working at night completely frees up my days for being at their beckon call to help with this, organize that, and completely engineer the other. It's to the point where it almost feels at times like I'm actually at work when I'm not on the job. This is all well and good, because I'm that guy who likes to feel needed and relishes in knowing people think I'm the one for the job, BUT, on the other hand, it leaves me physically and mentally exhausted. I can't really blame anyone other than myself, though, because I am the epitome of the Yes Man. I'm working on that. Perhaps actually recording my thoughts and musings here will help me sort it out. It, without a doubt, will color some of what you'll read here in my little corner of the World Wide Web.
Speaking of color, I also mention in my profile that there's something to be said for the perspective a guy gains from growing up in North Carolina, and then, after a series of flukes, finding himself living the life of a pseudo-Texan in Austin. Living here makes for some fascinating observation -- partly due to Austin being one of those cities people come to for dreamchasing and partly due to the city being at its own crossroads of trying to revel in its uber-laidback bohemian history while searching for acceptable methods to embrace its newfound status as a nouveau-trendy hotspot. So, here in Austin, we find ourselves to be a population of soul searchers living in a city that also happens to be searching for its own soul. Trust me when I say I'll be having a lot to say about what it means to be a guy in transition living in a city in transition.
Finally, as I welcome you into this brain of mine, I want to invite you to just sit back, take it all in, and savor my words. I'm fancying myself at the moment to be not a wordsmith, but, rather, more of a wordCHEF -- achieving what a good chef does with his food: sitting on that very fulcrum point of feeling mighty satisfied while still wanting just a little bit more. So, with all this said, take your place at the table and see what happens when life's pantry hands this chef a dash of Southwestern Spice to sprinkle over his already healthy serving of Southern Charm.
And, remember: it's Kirk as in Captain, Royal as in the Queen.